BAU Versus Project Work
How to tell the difference
In this course you will learn the difference between Business As Usual (BAU) activities and project activities. This will help you understand why a project needs to be defined for work that doesn't fall into the BAU category.
You will also learn why it is so important to hand your completed change aka your project back into the business, when the project is complete.
Your Instructor
I've been managing projects for over thirty years, some of those as a formal or certified 'Project Manager' and others not. Most of what I've learned about being a Project Manager is that it is all about being focused on clarity and relationships. Get these right and the project flows and you can't help but be successful.
These training courses have been developed to fill in gaps that you might have; support you in area's that you might not have any experience in and overall make your life easier in your role as a Project Manager. Whether that's your formal title or not.